SERVICE MESSAGE - IYC Young People, Families, Staff, Volunteers, Board, Student Placements and Community would like to give a big warm thank you to all who support IYC, not close the centre doors. It's with a heavy heart that IYC informs you that IYC closed its centre doors on March 1st 2024 at the location in Bundoora due to not being refunded by the government, IYC acknowledges and is grateful for the Federal Government grant to grow IYC with the centre in 2022. IYC campaigned to all tiers of government, did a fundraiser with events, went to media, had a petition, tried auspices and unfortunately could not raise enough funds to keep the centre operational. IYC will not close as a charity/service organisation and reflect to provide NDIS services, consulting work, information and referral, and program work that will be done on a smaller scale until IYC grows again and can do more and run a centre again. As the motto goes at IYC
"Believe and Create"
"IYC. gets me away from my problems" Xzavier - Aged 15
Innovation Youth Centre NDIS services and programs for young people that are focused on the areas of emotional well-being, learning and development, social skills, independence, decision-making, and inclusion. Refer to our digital green 2-page brochure below.
Our NDIS activities are designed to develop skills, confidence, self-esteem, and enjoyment of life and are especially suited for those with autism, intellectual, psychosocial, or acquired disabilities.
Our services are provided by a team of experienced youth & and disability workers who focus on working with young people to help them achieve their personal goals.
What is the NDIS?
The NDIS is Australia’s first national disability scheme designed to provide people with disability, who meet the eligibility criteria, the support and services they need to live and enjoy their life.
It provides a way of delivering support, that moves away from the State-run, block-funded systems that existed before and provides funding directly to people with disability via an individual, funded plan.
The NDIS exists in two main forms:
NDIS Early Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) – for children 0-6yrs
NDIS for eligible Australians 7-65yrs.
Registration groups /services for Innovation Youth Centre National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) participants are listed below and more information will be published in the near future on this page.
Registration Groups:
Group/Centre Activities - Personal Development and Recreational Activities
The benefits for the young people engaged in our group-based activities include:
Building their socialization skills and creating opportunities for them to build a network of friends and peers.
Young people explore new interests and develop new skills.
Young people developing important life skills including cooking, budgeting &
Young people becoming more engaged with their community and its opportunities.
Increased self-esteem and a feeling of belonging
Increased participation in education and employment
Ability to live independently.
Support Coordination - One-on-One Support and Referal
The role of the Support Coordinator is to help participants to:
• Understand and action a participant’s plan.
• Build a participant’s capacity to manage their plan independently.
• Link up and liaise with service providers.
• Coordinate a participant’s informal, funded, and mainstream supports.
• Prepare for a participant’s annual review.
Plan Management - Participant Ownership and Plan Development
IYC’s plan management service will support young people to manage their NDIS funding. Plan management can support participants by:
∙ Helping them to manage their NDIS funding
∙ Helping them pay the service providers who provide them support.
∙ Giving them more control over how they use their NDIS funding.
∙ Helping them learn new skills so they can be more independent.
∙ Only qualified bookkeepers and accountants can undertake plan management duties.
Exercise Physical Personal Training - Fitness and Martial Arts Training
IYC’s Exercise Physiology service will work alongside young people to develop an exercise program, giving them the tools to manage their condition and improve their quality of life.
The benefits of an exercise physiology program include: • Improved mental health, wellbeing, and self-esteem. • The ability to effectively self-manage your condition. • Improved mobility and physical function
• Pain reduction
• Greater independence and the ability to achieve important life goals.
Participate Community - Participant Involvement in Community
Assistance with Social and Community Participation (Support Category 4) is a funded support category a participant may find in their NDIS plan, under Core Supports.
It’s how the NDIS categorizes supports that help you become more active in the community. There are lots of activities this category can fund, so long as they are considered to be reasonable and necessary and relate to a participant’s NDIS goals.
Assistance with Social and Community Participation covers things like a support worker accompanying a participant to a concert, a participant taking up a sport, joining a social club, or learning a new hobby.
Innovative Community Participation. - Participants having a voice and making positive social change in their community.
IYC’s Innovative community participation service aims to support NDIS participants in building skills to participate in their community.
Innovative Community Participation Services include the following:
Gaining awareness of the benefits that community participation can bring.
Enhancing self-awareness
Improving self-care
Coaching to improve emotional regulation, confidence, self-esteem, and social skills.
Gaining improved awareness of social norms and socially acceptable behaviour in a range of environments
Learning how to access help in the community when specialist assistance isn’t available.
Coping with disability within a community context, including raising awareness of the services and adjustments available for people with disabilities
Accessing the provision of community-based social opportunities
Identifying hobbies and interests that might be pursued in a community setting and facilitating participation.
IYC NDIS Further Information
Please contact IYC for more information contact details below.